Portugal Queen of Friends of the Commonwealth 2012-13 – Press Release
Portugal Queen of Friends of the Commonwealth Portugal 2012-13 is Jessica Dos Santos
The Miss Portugal UK 2012 beauty pageant was held on Sunday 1st July at Lambeth Town Hall. The winner of the Miss Portugal UK title who is travelling to Portugal on 4th July for the Miss Portugal beauty pageant was Nuria Cardoso. Trust was one of the judges and personally chose one of the contestants in the top 5 to represent Portugal at the Miss Commonwealth International beauty pageant in November this year in the Queen of Friends of the Commonwealth section of the competition.
Jessica Dos Santos was chosen because not only is she beautiful but she is also one of the most talented of the contestants!
Miss Commonwealth International is unique amongst “world” beauty pageants because those who win the various titles, for example Miss QoF of the Commonwealth Portugal (a heat winner) and Miss Commonwealth International (the overall winner) hold their titles in perpetuity. Every winner keeps their title for a lifetime with ongoing responsibility to carry out charitable works in their own country and provide regular progress reports for publishing on the website: www.misscommonwealthint.org
The organisation behind this pageant is CICCETSS – see www.ciccetss.org for more details. Commonwealth International Cultural and Charity Evening TV Special Showcase
Jessica will begin her charitable works in the next few weeks and will need all the help she can get. Her parents are very supportive and will help her through her sponsorship for the beauty pageant in November and she will be meeting Dr Patricks – the Miss Commonwealth International organizer – on 6th July to discuss her duties.
From 2013 onwards Lusofonia Cosmopolitan will be organising Miss Commonwealth Portugal in conjunction with BME.
Boikanyo Trust Phenyo (BME)
Nello Newton Colaco (Lusofonia Cosmopolitan)
Queen of Friends of the Commonwealth Portugal 2012 – Jessica Dos Santos
The Miss Commonwealth Internation 2012 final is in November – see here for details
Miss Portugal UK 2012 – Nuria Cardoso
The Miss Portugal 2012 final is in Cape Verde on 5th July 2012 – see here for details